Rating Score Definitions

Performance levels for the Customer Satisfaction Rating with descriptions

Performance level Description

Very satisfied

Overall performance exceeded the objectives outlined in the Contract Execution Plan and subsequent revisions (completed on time, on budget, deliverables met to stated quality/safety standards, and good working relationship with the Kairos team).

Performance met the objectives outlined in the Contract Execution Plan.

For example: delivered on budget, on schedule, and/or team met the stated quality/safety/relationship expectations.

Performance overall met the objectives outlined in the Contract Execution Plan or partly exceeded the objectives and partly underperformed.

For example: delivered on budget, before schedule but team did not meet the stated quality/safety/relationship expectations.
Less satisfied

Performance only partially satisfied the objectives outlined in the Contract Execution Plan and subsequent revisions.

For example: The project was finished over budget, behind schedule, partially without agreed functionality, below stated quality expectations, or unsatisfying work relationship with the team.

Very unsatisfied

Performance did not satisfy the objectives outlined in the Contract Execution Plan, subsequent revisions, and scope of work. 

For example: The project was finished over budget, behind schedule, without agreed functionality, below stated quality expectations, or poor working relationship with the project team.