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24-7 Help Center
Control Room Assistant (CRA)
Control Room Assistant (CRA)
Asset Portal (HAZOP assistant)
Technical Support
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Control Room Assistant (CRA)
The real-time application for control room operators.
Is the CRA tailored for each client?
How does Kairos ensure operational awareness?
What is a functional digital twin?
What problem is the CRA solving?
How does the root cause ranking system work?
Is the language used in the CRA aligned with the language used in the control room?
How much effort is needed to maintain the KAIROS functional model?
How does Kairos CRA get live sensor data?
What does the term real-time mean?
How can Kairos find root causes?
How can the Control Room Assistant be presented in the control room?
Does the CRA influence the Control System or control network?
Where will the Control Room Assistant be available?
How do we set the limits in Kairos CRA?
If I see a bug, how should I let Kairos know?
How should the control room operator use the CRA?