1 min read

Vysus and Kairos teaming up

By Bernt Eldor on 01/07/22 08:25

This week (27.-28.06 2022) we started the collaboration between Vysus and Kairos Technology to make the innovative software solution HAZOP Assistant a game changer. HAZOPs have not changed much since the first introduction back in 1963! 

This is certainly about to change now and Kairos Technology is glad to have the Vysus safety experts on board to ensure the solutions are meeting customer needs. Our vision is to increase the safety of processes and reduce the costs. We want the HAZOP to be deterministic and capture the operational learning both within one site, but also across different sites. We believe this will be transforming the  Process Safety Management (PSM), and specifically to the HAZOP process in major hazard facilities. Together with Vysus we will support the PSM with AI based tools.


Angel Casal is a Senior Principal Consultant within Risk, Safety and Reliability and has also taken on the responsibility to build a process safety excellence centre for Vysus Group in Spain. Angel and his team will be key players when it comes to the direction and functionality of our software tools for HAZOPs. The HAZOP Assistant has been proven useful through JIPs (Joint Industry Projects) already and we have demonstrated the potential of using functional models in HAZOPs. The next phase will be all about ensuring that the tool is user friendly and with the correct functionality. 


We want a tool that is fun to use! Thanks for two fantastic days in Barcelona and we look forward to working together.

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Bernt Eldor

Written by Bernt Eldor

Bernt is co-founder and the Sales and Marketing director for Kairos Technology. Bernt has extensive experience with international project management and sales, specifically within the oil and gas industry. He is an offshore engineer graduate from Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland.