This newsletter provides a concise overview of the new features introduced in our latest software release. For more technical information, we offer a separate subscription called "product information," where we delve into the finer technical details.

Bernt Eldor
Recent posts by Bernt Eldor
5 min read
What are the exciting new features in our latest software release: Barlind?
By Bernt Eldor on 08/03/23 09:51
The high level theme for the release is how we ensure coverage of failure modes. Kairos functional modelling is now based on a process library of safety and operability units. The building blocks are based on design guidelines with Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Experience (ISO14224). This has radically improved the models where the total number of failure modes has been increased by a factor 10. A topside model will now typically cover 3500 failure modes. In short: higher quality models implemented faster with little to no user involvement.
Topics: Control Room Efficiency Reduce emissions Software
2 min read
BUDDY partnership with Blue Unit
By Bernt Eldor on 23/02/23 09:28
Geirmund Vik (Blue Unit A/S) and Bjarne André Asheim (Kairos Technology AS) are happy to announce their cooperation within decision-support for the fish-farming industry. The project has interestingly been named BUDDY!
Topics: Partnerships Water Quality Management
1 min read
Green Hydrogen Systems ensures safety with Kairos
By Bernt Eldor on 24/11/22 09:45
Kairos Technology is happy to announce that we will collaborate with Green Hydrogen Systems using our unique HAZOP Assistant and Control Room Assistant technology to ensure the safe design and operation of hydrogen electrolysis equipment.
Topics: Green energy Hydrogen
1 min read
Meet Kairos at ONS 2022
By Bernt Eldor on 09/08/22 09:44
This year, ONS has introduced a new concept called the ONS Scale-Ups arena. The intention is to provide a place where scale-ups can network and meet potential clients and investors. We are pleased to have been selected to attend, among many good start-ups and scale-ups. Look for the ONS Start-ups arena and meet us there on Wednesday 31st and Thursday 1st.
Topics: Conferences
1 min read
Vysus and Kairos teaming up
By Bernt Eldor on 01/07/22 08:25
This week (27.-28.06 2022) we started the collaboration between Vysus and Kairos Technology to make the innovative software solution HAZOP Assistant a game changer. HAZOPs have not changed much since the first introduction back in 1963!
Topics: hazopassistant Partnerships
4 min read
New software release from Kairos
By Bernt Eldor on 26/01/22 09:43
Last November, the BANYAN release of the Kairos products provided significant improvements in multiple parts of the products. The software teams delivered on time and have also prepared the architecture to support future products and functionality.
1 min read
Meet Kairos at NFEAs AI/ML conference
By Bernt Eldor on 21/10/21 08:35
Finally, after a long delay due to the COVID challenges, NFEA is back with high quality and impact conferences. The theme of this conference is the use of Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning with emphasis on practical use cases and business value. The conference will take the hype out of AI/ML and show practical solutions from Tine, Brunvoll AS, and Unger Fabrikker. Kairos Technology will have a stand at the conference, so please come and say hello!
Topics: Conferences Artificial Intelligence
1 min read
Deep Purple to test Kairos for new energy system
By Bernt Eldor on 22/06/21 08:47
We are excited to be given an opportunity to test our technology during the TechnipFMC energy transition project Deep PurpleTM. You can read more about the project here.